Announcement: Moving Back

Hello to all my readers!
I’m taking this chance to tell you guys something that I haven’t said anything about on my blog. For the past year and a half, I’ve been in China. And next week, I’ll finally be moving back. I’ll be leaving China on the 10th and arriving in Toronto on the 10th.
For the past 2 weeks I’ve been extremely busy with my classes and running errands for my elderly family members in China at the request of my parents. So I’ve been running around a lot. Thus, no access to my precious baby laptop.
This week, I’ve been contacting movers and trying to stuff all my belongings into a suitcase, praying that it stays below 23kg. So, not a lot of me time to do much translation.
BUT, I hope that once I arrive safely in Beijing at the airport and on my plane ride to Toronto, I’ll be able to have plenty of free time to try and do some translation. That is, if no kids decided to scream for the entire duration of the plane ride.
So, this is just a notice to everyone. There probably won’t be any updates in the next few days, since I’ll be busy with moving and adjusting to jet lag. You are welcome to check the progress bars I’ve put up in the sidebar to see how things are coming along.
I can’t wait to be home! I’ll update on this post once I’ve arrived home safely.
Thanks for understanding!

UPDATE (June 10th):
I just got back home! Safe and sound, albeit quite tired. πŸ™‚ Thank you everyone for your kind words and support!


  1. bearbear · August 8, 2015

    Thank you to everyone for your kind words and wished!


  2. Yellow · June 29, 2015

    Glad you’re home!! πŸ˜€
    Haven’t seen you in a while… Is everything alright? Just want you to know that your readers are supporting you!!
    ~Best Wishes! πŸ™‚


    • bearbear · June 29, 2015

      I got back and spent a week sorting out things, went on a long anticipated trip with my mother, got a minor surgery done and I’m now resting and looking for summer jobs. I’m about 11% into the translation for Singing Spring Melody and editing another story. πŸ™‚ thank you for yours and everyone else’s support!


  3. Lily · June 9, 2015

    Welcome back home! Best of luck getting settled in again. We will wait patiently for your awesome translations!


  4. yy · June 6, 2015

    have a safe trip back! πŸ™‚


  5. humbledaisy1 · June 6, 2015

    Safe travels and underweight baggage!


  6. Joyce · June 6, 2015

    Have a safe trip and stay safe too!!!😊


  7. momomomo01 · June 6, 2015

    Welcome back to your home sweet home!


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